Amazon PPC Keyword Match Types
Amazon PPC keyword match types are crucial for any effective campaign. It provides the advertiser complete control over what they want to spend their money on. Here’s a quick reference of what each one does, along with some examples of when you might use them.
What is a Keyword Match Type?
A Keyword Match Type is how you define your ad’s target keyword. When you create a new campaign, you must select a Keyword Match Type that assists Amazon’s algorithm in finding your ad and displaying it on relevant searches. The most widely-used Keyword Match Types are Broad, Phrase and Exact Match types.
Keyword Match Types for Amazon Ads
The Keyword Match Types helps in deciding to display your product ads based upon matches of the search term with your keywords. These match types let on to tweak which customer search queries can trigger your advertisements. Consequently, it is vital to understand each class to use them efficiently.
Different Keyword Match Types
Exact Match
Exact match lets you bid on any keyword that matches your keyword. When a customer searches for the product, the search term must be exactly like your keyword, for the ad to display in the search while using an exact match. If a customer’s add search terms comes before or after your keyword, your ad will not display in the search results.
Exact match is best for products which have a long-tail keyword strategy. Long-tail keywords are closely related to your product. An exact match is excellent if your product is brand new. You can use exact match to bid on variations of your product name.
Exact match gives you at most control over who can see your ad, but reaches fewer searches than both phrase and broad match. This allows you to reach only to the users who make searches with the same meaning as your keywords, including: Misspellings, Singular or plural forms.
Broad Match
Broad Match is the default keyword match type for all Amazon campaigns. Broad Match makes your ad visible to people searching for all related keywords, including misspellings, plurals, and other word forms. It is an excellent option to display your ad in front of as many people as possible. If your keyword is “fleece jackets,” people searching for fleece jackets, fleece jackets for men, or fleece jackets for women, women jackets made of fleece can see your ad. Moreover, this is a perfect option if you want to attract large target audience.
In contrast to Exact Match, Broad Match allows customers to be extremely vague in words they type into Amazon’s search and still see your ad. It reaches larger audience and boasts array of search terms. Broad Match is best for products that have been around for a while or have a lot of reviews. You’ll want to use broad-match keywords for products where you don’t want to bid on product name variations. Broad Match is great for getting your ad in front of a larger audience, you’re also competing against other brands for clicks when you aren’t as specific. While the broad match is used by default, many advertisers use phrase match to become more targeted with their ads. By using broad match usually your ACoS may drastically be increased. Broad Match is a great place to start, but slowly need to move to Phrase Match to target product specific audience and control ACoS.
Phrase Match
Phrase Match will show your ad to users who include your keyword in the same sequence you wrote it in your ad. It is a good option if you’re trying to rank for a specific phrase with a lot of competition. It broadens your keyword range and enhances your ad reach. If your keyword is “fleece jackets,” people searching for “fleece jackets for men” will see your ad. If your keyword has a lot of competition and you want to be more specific, you can use a Phrase Match.
Phrase Match types display your ad when a customer types in close variations of your keyword phrase. These variations can include the beginning of your keyword and the end of your keyword. Phrase Match is best for products with a keyword strategy that uses a “raise the bar” approach. Phrase Match will let you bid on variations of your keyword.
Negative Match
It is beneficial when some of your broad or phrase keywords trigger irrelevant search terms.
Negative Exact: If a search query carries the exact phrase or close variations, ads will not be displayed.
Negative Phrase: If a search query carries the entire phrase in the same sequence as the keyword term, ads will not display.
Importance of Keyword Match Types in Amazon PPC
Amazon PPC advertising is challenging as new trends emerge and strategies are continually refined to remain successful.
Keyword Match types are essential to the PPC process and can help you turn more clicks into conversions. Selecting the right Keyword Match type will depend on various factors, including your budget, brand, and specific keywords' competition. Whether creating a new campaign or optimizing an existing one, experiment with different Keyword Match types to find the best ROI.
Additionally, you can use third party tools to discover new keyword ideas and find out what kind of competition they have. It is excellent for increasing click-through rates, but you may have to deal with click spam from irrelevant or unrelated queries. Optimizing your keywords frequently is important with Broad and Phrase match types.
Analysis which Amazon Keyword Match type is best to be used in your campaign, then the answer is- three of them but make sure they are all in separate ad groups. Initiating your ads, running an Auto campaign and a manual campaign with all three-match types in different ad groups is best. Slowly optimizing the campaigns on a regular basis can reduce the ACoS and give you a better ROI. Lastly, it is essential to understand what they are and how to use them to succeed in Amazon PPC.
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